BBL Forever Clear Before and After Images
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BBL Forever Clear Before and After Images
BBL Forever Clear
BBL Forever Clear
Product: BBL Forever Clear
Amount: 6 sessions, 2 weeks apart
Purpose: Reduce bacteria growth, reduce acne
Cost: $1,680
BBL Forever Clear
Product: BBL Forever Clear
Amount: 6 sessions, 2 weeks apart
Purpose: Reduce bacteria growth, reduce acne
Cost: $1,680
BBL Forever Clear
Product: BBL Forever Clear (Face)
Amount: 3 Sessions
Purpose: Reduce acne and reduce future breakouts
Cost: Single treatment $350, Package of 3 $945, Package of 6 $1680
BBL Forever Clear
Product: BBL Forever Clear (Face)
Amount: 3 Sessions
Purpose: Reduce acne and reduce future breakouts
Cost: Single treatment $350, Package of 3 $945, Package of 6 $1680