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At LOU LOU Med Spa, we prioritize understanding our clients’ needs to provide tailored care. Our consultations encompass Lip Fillers, Skin Health, Neurotoxins, Weight Management, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Full Facial Balancing. With thorough assessments and open discussions, our experienced team crafts personalized treatment plans to meet your goals. Receive valuable insights and guidance in our welcoming environment. Schedule your consultation today and embark on your beauty journey with confidence.

Lip Filler

Welcome to the Consultation for Lip Filler at LOU LOU Med Spa: Your gateway to personalized enhancement and natural-looking lip augmentation.
Personalized Assessment: Our experienced practitioners at LOU LOU Med Spa conduct a thorough assessment to understand your unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals.
Customized Treatment Plan: Receive a tailored treatment plan designed to enhance your lips while maintaining harmony with your overall facial features.
Expert Guidance: Benefit from expert guidance on lip filler options, including product selection, volume considerations, and achieving the desired lip shape.
Natural Results: Embrace the artistry of lip enhancement with a focus on achieving natural, balanced results that align with your individual beauty.
Comprehensive Discussion: Engage in a comprehensive discussion about the procedure, potential side effects, and aftercare to ensure you are fully informed and comfortable.

At LOU LOU Med Spa, we believe in enhancing your natural beauty through precise and personalized lip filler consultations. Step into a world where your aesthetic aspirations are understood and crafted with expertise.


Welcome to the Consultation for Neurotoxin at LOU LOU Med Spa: Your gateway to personalized aesthetic enhancement and rejuvenation.

Personalized Assessment: Our skilled practitioners at LOU LOU Med Spa conduct a thorough evaluation of your facial expressions, muscle dynamics, and aesthetic goals.

Tailored Treatment Plan: Receive a customized treatment plan designed to address specific areas and enhance your natural beauty while maintaining facial expressiveness.

Expert Guidance: Benefit from expert guidance on neurotoxin options, including product selection, dosage considerations, and achieving a balanced and natural look.

Natural Results: Embrace the philosophy of natural beauty enhancement, ensuring that your results complement your unique facial features and expressions.

Comprehensive Discussion: Engage in a comprehensive discussion about the neurotoxin procedure, potential outcomes, and aftercare, allowing you to make informed decisions and feel confident in your aesthetic journey. We’ll discuss the potential outcomes of neurotoxin treatment, addressing specific concerns such as pain relief, reduction in headaches, pore reduction, brow symmetry, gummy smile reduction, fuller lips, smoother chin, decreased jowling, slimmer jawline, improved skin texture, decreased oil production, and sweat reduction.

At LOU LOU Med Spa, we prioritize delivering personalized and artistic results, ensuring that your experience with neurotoxin treatments reflects your individual aesthetic desires.


Full Facial Balancing

Welcome to the Consultation for Full Facial Balancing at LOU LOU Med Spa: Your exclusive opportunity to harmonize and rejuvenate your facial features for a naturally balanced and refreshed appearance.

Holistic Facial Assessment: Our skilled professionals at LOU LOU Med Spa perform a comprehensive evaluation of your facial structure, taking into account proportions, symmetry, and individual characteristics.

Customized Treatment Plan: Receive a tailored treatment plan that strategically addresses specific areas to achieve overall facial harmony, enhancing your unique beauty.

Expert Guidance: Benefit from expert guidance on the use of various aesthetic treatments, including dermal fillers, neuromodulators, biostimulatory options, and other advanced techniques, to achieve optimal facial balance.

Natural Enhancement: Embrace the philosophy of natural enhancement, where the goal is to restore and refine your features, ensuring results that look natural and complement your facial aesthetics.

Thorough Discussion: Engage in a thorough discussion about the proposed procedures, potential outcomes, and aftercare, allowing you to make informed decisions about your facial rejuvenation journey.

At LOU LOU Med Spa, we are dedicated to providing a personalized and artistic approach to full facial balancing, ensuring that you leave our spa feeling confident and harmoniously refreshed.

Skin Health

Embark on your personalized journey to radiant skin with the Skin Care Consultation at Lou Lou Med Spa. Our expert skincare professionals will guide you through a comprehensive assessment, understanding your unique skin concerns, goals, and preferences. Tailored to your individual needs, this consultation delves into a holistic analysis of your skin health, lifestyle factors, and desired outcomes.

During the consultation, we’ll discuss various treatment options, skincare routines, and product recommendations curated to address your specific concerns and optimize your skin’s health and appearance. Whether you’re targeting acne, aging, hyperpigmentation, or simply seeking to enhance your skin’s natural glow, our team is dedicated to crafting a customized plan that aligns with your aspirations.

At Lou Lou Med Spa, we prioritize education and empowerment, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge and tools to maintain and enhance your skin’s vitality long after your visit. Experience the transformative power of personalized skincare solutions with our Skin Care Consultation, and unlock the radiant complexion you’ve always desired.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Health & Wellness offers comprehensive services tailored to your unique needs for well-being. Our team comprises dedicated experts committed to assisting you in achieving your health goals. Our Health & Wellness services encompass a holistic approach to enhancing your overall health, beauty, and vitality. Whether you want to address specific concerns or boost your general well-being, our expert team guides you on your journey to optimal health.

Our Health & Wellness services include personalized consultations for weight loss, featuring cutting-edge treatments like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. These consultations involve a meticulous assessment of your health, lifestyle, and weight loss goals, followed by creating a tailored treatment plan to help you achieve a healthier weight and lifestyle. Additionally, we offer B12 shots, which provide essential vitamin supplementation to enhance energy levels and address B12 deficiency. Our exclusive Skinny Shot service combines vitamin B12 with lipotropic agents and amino acids to support fat metabolism and contribute to your overall well-being. Results vary based on individual needs, but with our dedicated support and guidance, you can expect positive health and appearance changes. Our team can help you maintain your improved well-being by providing ongoing support, and our program’s benefits last long. Don’t wait to prioritize your health – book your appointment today at LOU LOU Med Spa in Oklahoma City, OK

Weight Management

Welcome to the Consultation for Weight Management with Semaglutide or Tirzepatide at LOU LOU Med Spa: Your personalized journey to achieving your health and wellness goals.

Individualized Assessment: Our skilled professionals at LOU LOU Med Spa conduct a thorough evaluation of your health, lifestyle, and weight loss objectives.

Tailored Treatment Plan: Receive a customized weight loss plan incorporating Semiglutide or Tirzepatide, designed to support your journey to a healthier weight and lifestyle.

Expert Guidance: Benefit from expert guidance on the use of Semaglutide & Tirzepatide including dosage, potential benefits, and considerations for your unique needs.

Comprehensive Discussion: Engage in a comprehensive discussion about nutrition, exercise, and additional lifestyle modifications to complement your weight loss journey.

Ongoing Support: Experience ongoing support from our dedicated team at LOU LOU Med Spa throughout your weight loss process, ensuring you stay motivated and achieve sustainable results.

Embark on your transformative weight loss journey with the guidance and support of LOU LOU Med Spa, where your well-being is our priority.

Virtual Consultation - Hormone Replacement Therapy

Discover a transformative path to wellness with our Virtual Hormone Replacement Therapy Consultation at LOU LOU Med Spa. Our expert team provides personalized guidance and support tailored to your unique needs, all from the comfort of your own home. Through a comprehensive virtual consultation, we’ll assess your needs and create a customized plan to help you achieve balance, vitality, and optimal health. Take the first step towards reclaiming your vitality today with LOU LOU Med Spa.

Virtual Consultation - Weight Management

Welcome to the Virtual Consultation for Weight Management with Semaglutide or Tirzepatide at LOU LOU Med Spa from your own home: Your personalized journey to achieving your health and wellness goals begins here. Our expert team is dedicated to providing tailored guidance and support to help you successfully manage your weight and improve your overall well-being. Through our comprehensive virtual consultation process, we’ll assess your needs and preferences to create a customized plan utilizing cutting-edge treatments like Semaglutide or Tirzepatide. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you with LOU LOU Med Spa’s Virtual Weight Management Consultation.


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