Dermal Fillers

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Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers such as JUVÉDERM®, Restylane®, and RHA® are non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Restoring the lost volume and smoothing fine lines and wrinkles rejuvenates and enhances the appearance of the skin. These FDA-approved dermal fillers consist of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the skin that helps maintain hydration and firmness. The procedure involves injecting filler beneath the skin to plump and hydrate targeted areas. These versatile fillers can address nasolabial folds, marionette lines, lip augmentation, cheek volume restoration, and under-eye hollows.

Dermal filler treatments are suitable for individuals looking to combat signs of aging or enhance specific facial features without surgery. You can see the treatment results right after the procedure and get the best results within one or two weeks. However, they can last from six months to two years. At LOU LOU Med Spa in Oklahoma City, OK, our experienced practitioners specialize in providing safe and effective dermal filler treatments. If you want a more youthful and refreshed appearance, book an appointment with us today and take the first step toward achieving a more youthful and vibrant look.



Dermal Fillers applied to the cheeks can restore lost volume and create a youthful, lifted appearance. They help diminish the appearance of sagging skin and prominent wrinkles, resulting in smoother, more contoured cheeks.


Dermal Fillers for the hands are a rejuvenating solution that can plump up thin, aging skin on the back of the hands. This treatment minimizes the visibility of veins, tendons, and wrinkles, leaving your hands more youthful and refreshed.

Jawline Contouring

Using Dermal Fillers for jawline contouring, you can achieve a well-defined and sculpted jawline. This non-surgical approach enhances facial symmetry and creates a more harmonious facial profile.


Dermal Fillers in the temples address hollowed or sunken areas, providing a smoother transition between the forehead and the rest of the face. This treatment helps achieve a balanced and refreshed appearance.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation with Dermal Fillers can enhance your chin’s shape and projection, creating better facial proportions. It’s an effective way to achieve a more balanced and defined facial profile without surgery.

Lip Filler

Lip Fillers enhance the volume and definition of the lips, plumping them up, improving lip symmetry, and minimizing the appearance of fine lines around the mouth. It creates a more attractive and youthful smile.


Under Eye Filler

Price starts at $1,000 +

Are you getting 8 hours of sleep but still look tired? Our expert injectors specialize in strategically applying filler to reduce hollowness and dark circles beneath the eyes-commonly linked to aging and genetics. The outcome? A rejuvenated and alert appearance. In many cases, additional cheek (midface) filler may be recommended for a seamless, natural result. Before treatment, a consultation is mandatory.

Cheek Filler

Starts at $1,300 +

Dermal filler is employed to elevate and sculpt the contours of the cheeks, concurrently reducing the visibility of nasolabial folds, commonly known as laugh lines. The typical quantity administered ranges from 1 to 3 syringes.

Lip Plump

Starts at $600+

Whether you desire a discreet enhancement or noticeably fuller, plump lips, we are confident in offering the ideal treatment for your goals. Together, we will determine the most suitable filler to achieve your desired results. Before the procedure, numbing cream is applied for your comfort. Additionally, for enhanced comfort, a dental block and/or laughing gas can be incorporated as needed. Your satisfaction and comfort are our priorities.

Lip Hydrate / Anti-Aging Filler

Starts at $600 +

Dermal filler is strategically employed to hydrate the lips and diminish vertical lines around the mouth. As we naturally lose volume in our lips over time, this treatment provides an immediate restoration of youthful, well-defined contours. For enhanced comfort during the procedure, a dental block and/or laughing gas can be incorporated as needed, ensuring a more comfortable experience for you.

Hand Filler

Starts at $800+

The hands often exhibit early signs of aging. Dermal filler is utilized to replenish lost volume in the tops of the hands, rejuvenating their appearance for a more youthful and refreshed look. On average, 1 to 3 syringes of filler are typically used for this treatment.

Necklines (tech-neck) Filler

Starts at $600+

Dermal filler is applied to alleviate the development of horizontal lines on the neck, commonly referred to as “tech-neck,” which often arise from frequent downward gazes at phones and devices. Achieving optimal results may require up to two sessions of this treatment.

Jawline Contouring with Filler

Starts at $1,300+

Dermal filler is strategically employed to enhance the chin and/or jawline. On average, 2 to 4 syringes of filler are typically utilized to achieve the desired augmentation.

*** Consultation is required before treatment.***

Lower face (under/around mouth) Filler

Starts at $650+

Dermal filler is utilized for a personalized rejuvenation of the lower face, addressing fine lines around the mouth, and uplifting the corners of the mouth as necessary. This treatment is entirely customized to meet your specific needs and desires.

***Consultation is required before treatment.***

Nasolabial Fold (smile/laugh line) Filler

Starts at $600

Dermal filler is employed to diminish the visibility of nasolabial folds, commonly known as smile or laugh lines. In many cases, cheek (midface) filler is recommended simultaneously to provide lift and alleviate the pressure on the nasolabial folds. For more details, refer to the Cheek Filler option.

*** Consultation is required before treatment.***

Temple Filler

Starts at $850+

Sculptra is frequently utilized to address volume loss in the temples, with an average of 1-2 vials administered per session. Additionally, other fillers may be used to restore volume loss in the temples, with the average amount ranging from 1-2 syringes per session.

Dissolve Filler (injected by another provider)

Starts at $175+

Experiencing dissatisfaction with previous filler from another provider? LOU LOU is here to assist you! Schedule an appointment for filler dissolution, and the pricing is determined by the specific area being treated. The cost is $3.50 per unit of Hylenex used. Let us help you achieve the results you desire.

Lip Filler Maintenance

Starts at $425+

This is only for existing LOU LOU lip filler patients.

Earlobe Filler

Starts at $600+

Dermal filler is utilized to revitalize deflated ears resulting from the natural aging process or the weight of heavy earrings. On average, 1 to 2 syringes of filler are typically used for this rejuvenation procedure.

Chin Augmentation


As the aging process progresses, there is a natural loss of bone and soft tissue in the lower face. Dermal filler is employed to augment and counteract the aging process in the chin, providing enhanced shape and definition to the face while improving and balancing the profile. This treatment is also effective in addressing a cleft chin, creating a smoother appearance. Typically, the average amount of product used ranges from 1 to 4 syringes for optimal results.

Filler Maintenance


Must be an existing jawline, cheek, or chin patient of LOU LOU. You know you want something done/refreshed but not sure what exactly? Book this appointment and the provider will address your concerns!

Lip Plump 1/2 Syringe


**This appointment is for lip filler ONLY. Please book tox + lip plump if you need tox as well. Lip flips can be done with this appointment.

Whether you desire a discreet enhancement or noticeably fuller, plump lips, we are confident in offering the ideal treatment for your goals. Together, we will determine the most suitable filler to achieve your desired results. Before the procedure, numbing cream is applied for your comfort. Additionally, for enhanced comfort, a dental block and/or laughing gas can be incorporated as needed. Your satisfaction and comfort are our priorities. Please come 15 minutes early if these are desired or extra numbing time.


  • Improved facial volume and contours
  • Smoother and younger-looking skin
  • Quick and minimally invasive procedure
  • Immediate and long-lasting results
  • No surgery or downtime
  • Customizable treatment options
  • Suitable for various skin types
  • Natural-looking enhancement
  • Minimal discomfort during treatment
  • Expert care from our certified professionals


Dermal fillers are suitable for people who want to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Results are typically visible immediately, with optimal results becoming apparent within a week or two.

The longevity of results varies but can last from six months to two years, depending on the type of filler used and individual factors.

Dermal filler treatments typically involve minimal downtime, and side effects are generally mild, including temporary swelling, bruising, or redness.

Before treatment, it is essential to avoid taking blood-thinning medications. After treatment, following the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner to optimize results is recommended.

The practitioner will inject the filler with a fine needle into targeted areas. Minimal discomfort may occur, and you can resume daily activities immediately after the short procedure.


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